top 100 photos

part 1Image result for pillars of creation
  1. I choose this picture because it was neat with the colors and how much shadow there is to create depth.
  2. This picture is of the eagle nebula, estimated 6,500 lightyears away. in the picture what is shown is huge clouds of interstellar dust  
  3.  This photo was taken by the Hubble space telescope in 1995. when it first went into orbit, it did not work properly, but after a repair mission in 1993, it finally started to work, taking this picture and many more just like this one.

Hubble Space Telescope
Launched into low-earth orbit in 1990
still in operation today
From NASA, in Houston, Texas

part 2

 I chose this photo because I was curious about why this soldier was jumping over barbwire.what was he running to? or from?

The photo was taken as Hans Conrad Schumann was running from something right as a Berlin crowd enticed him to "Come over." The section of Berlin was barricaded of because millions of germans were trying to leave the soviet for freedom. The photographer got a heads up that there was going to be a defection. Schumann than became a symbol of freedom.

Schumann did not intend on becoming a symbol of freedom, and didn't he like it so He committed suicide in 1998.
.Image result for photos by Peter Leibing
Peter Leibing
1941-November 2, 2004
Hamburg, Gerany

part 3
    The Burning Monk
I picked this picture because I wondered if he lite himself on fire or if someone else did.

This photo is a protest by buddhists because their government had treated them very unfairly. Thich Quang Duc lit himself on fire as a protest, and then what happened at the protest led to the way people saw the government. The American people then questioned their relations with that government. "No news picture in history has generated so much emotion around the world as that one."-president Kenny

Image result for malcolm browne photos
April 15, 1937-August 27, 2012
Born in New York, NY
Attended Friends Seminary and Swarthmore College

part 4

Gorilla in the CongoI chose this photo because the gorilla tied up caught my eye and made me sad and wondered why they were doing it.

I learned that the men in the picture were carrying the gorilla on this stretcher to help him, where as I assumed that this was an animal they had hunted because he seemed like he was struggling.

Image result for Brent Stirton"

Brent Stirton
South Africa

part 5

A Man on the Moon
I chose this photo because the astronaut suit among the otherwise dark background caught my eye.

I read that this photo was important because Aldrin was not as popular as Armstrong because he was the second man on the moon but since Armstrong was the only one with the camera so Aldrin was in all the pictures.

There were actually many photos take of this event but this one was the most popular.  you can really see the ground and how indented their feet prints are.

This photograph is the first in a sequence of pictures Armstrong took of Aldrin carrying part of the mission's experiment package out to the deployment site a short way south of the spacecraft. The piece of equipment in his right hand is a laser reflector, used to measure the Earth-moon distance precisely. A seismometer package is in Aldrin's left hand.

Neil Armstrong
August 5, 1930-August 25, 2012
University of southern California
